La specializzazione in Illustrazione offre allo studente un approccio creativo per concepire e produrre immagini che, oltre ai campi di applicazione tradizionali soprattutto rivolti all'editoria, sfruttano le recenti possibilità offerte dagli ebook. Coloro che scelgono questa specializzazione
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Corso di Laurea
At IED Firenze, we envision today's illustrator as a versatile and well-rounded professional, capable of bridging diverse cultural and commercial backgrounds with personal interpretive skills. Like true contemporary reporters of the world, illustrators acquire the ability to immerse themselves in a
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Corso di Laurea
MULTIMEDIA AND GAME ART The extraordinary development of information technology in recent decades has produced the multiplication of interpersonal and multimedia means of communication. This revolution that is still taking place (think of the Metaverse) has produced an equivalent aesthetic
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Corso di Laurea