ArcGIS for Server: Sharing GIS Content on the WEB
Prezzo 1.100 €
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ArcGIS for Server: Sharing GIS Content on the WEB
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Informazioni sul corso
Corso di formazione professionale
In aula | On-line
Prezzo 1.100 €
This course teaches how to deliver geographic information so that it can be effectively used by colleagues, decision-makers, and non-GIS audiences.
This course teaches how to deliver geographic information so that it can be effectively used by colleagues, decision-makers, and non-GIS audiences. You will learn how to share your professional maps, data, and workflows by creating and publishing high-performing GIS services that can be accessed from desktop computers, web browsers, and mobile devices.
Date sezioni corsi:
Dal 03/10/2013 al 04/10/2013
Dal 11/11/2013 al 12/11/2013
Moduli formativi:
- Author and publish map services to share your authoritative GIS data.
- Create and publish image services to provide fast access to imagery.
- Design and build a map cache to maximize map service performance.
- Publish a geoprocessing service to share your GIS models and analysis results.
- Publish a feature service to enable data editing in a web application.
- Share GIS resources as stand-alone services and in web maps and web-mapping applications
- GIS analysts, specialists, and other experienced ArcGIS users who want to share GIS resources in web maps and web-mapping applications.
- Developers who want to incorporate GIS services and web maps into custom applications.
2 giorni
Prezzo 1.100 €
Costo partecipazione al corso al Centro Formazione Esri Italia: ¤ 1.100,00 + IVA per partecipante. E' anche possibile frequentare il corso presso la propria sede al costo fisso di ¤ 4.400,00 + IVA. In tal caso si accettano fino a dodici persone.
Luogo in cui si tiene il corso
Via Tiburtina, 755 - 00159 Roma
ArcGIS for Server: Sharing GIS Content on the WEB
Esri Italia S.p.a
Campus e sedi: Esri Italia S.p.a
Esriitalia S.p.a
Via Tiburtina, 755