Basic Numerical Linear Algebra
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Basic Numerical Linear Algebra
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20 ore
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The course is aimed to introduce the basic notions about vector spaces, vectors, matrices, and norms, along with the basic numerical methods concerning the solution linear systems. In particular: direct methods for square linear systems and conditioning analysis; direct methods for solving over-determined linear systems in the least square sense, with applications. The course also provides an introduction to Matlab, which is used for implementing the methods.
Basic Numerical Linear Algebra
Scuola IMT - Istituzioni, Mercati, Tecnologie, Alti Studi
Campus e sedi: Scuola IMT - Istituzioni, Mercati, Tecnologie, Alti Studi
Scuola IMT - Istituzioni, Mercati, Tecnologie, Alti Studi
Piazza S. Ponziano, 6