International Master in European Project Planning and Management

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International Master in European Project Planning and Management
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The objective of the Master is to provide participants with the skills to successfully work in the field of European cooperation, through the use of funding for education, training, culture, research, development and external cooperation made available by the European Commission.

The Master focuses on the following topics: 
Analysis of European funding opportunities
Understanding of calls for proposal
Development of effective project ideas
Identification and collection of documents for the project submission
Creation and management of transnational project partnerships
Filling in of Application Forms for the submission of European projects
Planning the financial aspects of the project 
Management of relations with the partnership and with the European Commission
Effective project management for reaching the project expected outcomes
Quality Issues and Best Practice
Monitoring and evaluation of European Projects
Dissemination, exploitation and sustainability
Project financial management
External auditing


Module 1) European Project Planning
Module 1. 1
Analysis of the European Funding Opportunities
This module provides an overview of the funding opportunities made available by the European Union in 
the fields of education, training, culture, research and development and external cooperation. The 
module also focuses on how to access to the in progress information on the current and future funding 
programmes. An analysis of the documents to be collected as the basis for the project planning process is 
also made
Module 1.2 
European Project Planning in the field of Education, Training and Culture
This module analyses the process for an effective project planning of EU funded initiatives in the field of 
education, training and culture. The module presents the main issues that have to be taken into account 
when planning a European project. The first part concentrates on the development of an appropriate 
project idea and on its presentation to potential project partners. The strategies for the creation of a 
transnational partnership are presented and discussed. The financial planning is analyzed as well as the 
criteria to be used to fill in the project application form
Module 1.3 
European Project Planning in the field of Research and Development
This module provides a comprehensive as well as practical introduction to European policies and funding 
in the area of research and development (R&D). The discussion focuses mainly on the main European 
funding opportunity in this field – the upcoming framework program for R&D Horizon 2020. Alternative 
sources of financing and their main characteristics are presented as well. The core of this module is the 
project planning and preparation for projects in this field. Attention is also given to financial and legal 
rules of the programs and to preparation of high quality competitive projects and support available 
thereto. All theoretical knowledge will be accompanied with discussions, mutual sharing and practical 
Module 1.4
Quality Issues in the Planning of EU funded Research and Development Projects
This module focuses on strategies and quality elements for submitting successful projects funded by 
research and development ( R&D) Programmes. The module focuses on the planning of the project 
work, of the partnership, of the budget. This module also analyzes sensitive issues connected with R&D 
projects, as gender issues, possible dual use, ethical issues etc. Specific information on the upcoming 
Horizon 2020 Programme is provided. Several examples and case studies are presented.
Module 1.5. 
Cooperation with Third Countries in the field of Research & Development and Education 
This module provides an overview of the funding opportunities made available by the European Union in 
the fields of education, training, innovation and research and development with special focus on 
International Cooperation. EU Third Countries Bilateral ST cooperation agreements, synergies with 
Development Cooperation programmes (IPA, DCI, ENPI, EDF), the application process of ERASMUS 
MUNDUS, TEMPUS, ALFA and Co-operation with industrialised countries (EU-USA, EU-Canada,EUAustralia, EU-New Zealand, EU- Japan, EU-Korea) are presented. Special attention is also given to EuroMediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS) in particolar ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.
Module 2 8
) European Project Management
Module 2.1. 
Project Management in Education Training and Culture projects
This module is intended to provide the learners with information about quality elements of successful 
projects. The module also focuses on the planning and organization of project work, on the identification 
of tools to be applied for carrying out the project activities and on the coordination of the work of the 
partnership. The last part of the module analyzes the strategies to monitor the project developments as 
well as the production and delivery of project reports for the European Commission.
Module 2.2. 
Project Management of Research and Development Projects
This module addresses issues related to the management of European projects in the field of research 
and development (R&D). The project life cycle is analyzed and strategies for its organization are 
discussed. Tools and methods to develop an effective plan for management of projects in R&D are 
presented. Methods to assess the project work in progress are addressed. Financial management of R&D projects is also presented and discussed.
Module 2.3
Quality management, Assessment and Evaluation of European Projects 
This module addresses the key aspect of evaluation within all project activities and externally, from the 
point of view of the funding agency and its representative bodies. There are several challenges that are 
unique to a transnational co-operation project, and this module identifies those and provides 
information on how to anticipate and respond to them. The module emphasizes the importance of 
having several evaluation mechanisms in place to ensure that all aspects of the project are covered and 
all stakeholders involved. It also features key content on the importance of fully utilizing the tools and 
recording their value, as indicators of qualitative and quantitative controls within the project.
Module 2.4. 
Leadership Skills for European Cooperation
Successful project delivery depends on comprehensive understanding of dynamics that shape partner 
behaviors, attitudes and interactions. This module explores the nature of effective leadership –
qualitative dimensions that go beyond simple administrative efficiency to a dynamic and proactive 
marshaling of human potential in a focused way. Team-building, common strategic goal setting, 
motivation and high performance are determinants of meaningful leadership. The skills outlined include 
listening, mediation, facilitation, innovation, communications, empathy, feedback mechanisms and 
diversity management. An analysis of the elements of successful leadership in EU project contexts is 
Module 2.5
Planning of Project Dissemination, Exploitation and Sustainability
This module deals with concepts which are intertwined in all work packages and refer to the way in 
which the project results are made public and promoted. It also discusses how different stakeholders 
motivation is being cultivated and encouraged so that the innovative results of the project continue to be 
exploited and streamlined for their beneficiaries. The activities are structured on the 3 concepts: 
dissemination, exploitation and sustainability. For each of these concepts there is special attention 
allocated to planning, budget, evaluation, quality assurance, ensuring impact and practical activities 
specially created for experiential learning. Show-casing is used for illustration of DO's and DON'Ts.
Module 2.6
Financial Management and Auditing in EU funded R&D Programmes
This module is intended to give the learner a good understanding of the financial rules governing FP7 
projects as well as what is good practice with respect to the management of EU funded research 
projects. This module have a particular emphasis on projects funded under the Cooperation programme, 
although, examples will be drawn from all the programmes under FP7. An accent is put on providing 
examples and case studies, as well as giving the participants the opportunity to practice what they have 
been learning in group exercises and practical activities.
Project Work and Final Exams
Module 3. Project Work
? Practical group work simulating the project planning and submission process
? Practical group work for the preparation of the management documents for an approved 



The Master is open to participants from all over the world. 
Pre requisites to access the Master course are:
University Diploma or Degree.
Good knowledge of English.
There is no age limit.
24 participants will be selected. The selection of applications will be based on the motivation 
letter and CV submitted. 
The Master provides participants with the skills to: 

analyse the current European funding opportunities and calls for proposal
develop effective project ideas
collect all necessary documents for the project submission
create an appropriate transnational project partnership
fill in the application form for the submission of European projects
organize and plan the Financial Aspects of the project 
manage the European project activities
manage relations with the partnership and with the European Commission
reach the project objectives and expected outcomes
monitor and evaluate the project
promote the exploitation and sustainability of the project
produce project reports
carry out an effective project financial management
organize the project material for external audits


The approach used is highly practical, based on the expertise of the course trainers who have over 15 years experience in European Cooperation.


5 months (800 hours) 2 months of classroom. The classroom based training has a duration of 8 hours a day. 3 months of internship, in a public or private institution located in one European Union's member states.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

Classroom based course and project work in Florence


from 9.00 to 17.00
International Master in European Project Planning and Management
Campus e sedi: PIXEL
Via Luigi Lanzi 12 50134 Firenze, Italy (Firenze)
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