Corso di Laurea Triennale in Fashion Design

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Raffles Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Fashion Design
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Corso di Laurea
In aula
4500 ore
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Fashion system is a segmented and complex territory, where tradition manages to find common ground with a fast experimentation. Tools to stand out are passion, be willing to work hard, desire to learn and compete in the world of fashion production and distribution.


This course is aimed at candidates with a high school diploma and from Italian and foreign universities. They must be driven by a passion for design, style and costume and eager to embark on a career in the world of the international fashion system.




During first year, students will learn how to approach fashion basic elements such as shapes, materials, culture and society. They will also carry out intensive workshops following our teaching method of learning by doing.

Second year will be dedicated to fully examine some specific issues in order to develop a conscious, original and diversified design technique, encouraging each student's creative exploration towards new territories and challenges.

Third year students will acquire managing and marketing skills, up to drafting final dissertation. At the end of this intense but exciting study itinerary they will join in the organization and implementation of a fashion show and will be able to design a professional portfolio.


This course is aimed at candidates with a high school diploma and from Italian and foreign universities. They must be driven by a passion for design, style and costume and eager to embark on a career in the world of the international fashion system.


- Il candidato deve essere in possesso di un diploma di scuola superiore di 2° livello


Credits 180.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Fashion Design
Raffles Milano
Campus e sedi: Raffles Milano
Raffles Milano - Istituto Moda e Design
Via Felice Casati 16 20124 Milano
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