Corso di Laurea Triennale in Multimedia and Game Art

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Raffles Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Multimedia and Game Art
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Corso di Laurea
In aula
4500 ore
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The extraordinary development of information technology in recent decades has produced the multiplication of interpersonal and multimedia means of communication. This revolution that is still taking place (think of the Metaverse) has produced an equivalent aesthetic revolution due to the interactivity between the individual and the computer media, which has produced the bursting of the video game industry into the world of entertainment. In parallel, the complexity of the structure of video games has enabled the intervention of artists who have used these technologies as means of production to create authentic works of art.




At the end of the course, the student will be able to work in the different areas of the multimedia world and its various professional qualifications such as: concept artist, interaction designer, game artist, game developer, technical artist, real time 3D artist, environment artist, character designer.


In the propaedeutic phase of the first year, the methodological and technical-instrumental foundations fundamental to multimedia design such as computer graphics, 3-D digital modeling and 3-D rendering are taught, as well as subjects equally fundamental to the student's cultural formation such as media phenomenology, art semiotics and contemporary art history.

During the second year, subjects such as computer art, computer games, interactive software design, directing for video games, and sociology of new media equips the student with more technical-operational tools and critical and cultural awareness.

The third year provides further technical-instrumental and operational insights, necessary for the realization of the final project and thesis.


The game designer is a person with considerable creativity and outstanding organizational and communication skills. These qualities are indispensable for directing the design idea development team and for the realization of the final product. As one of the highly developing fields of work, resourcefulness is also required, which is widely rewarded in terms of economic remuneration as a highly sought-after professional figure in the job market.


Credits 180.

Titolo ottenuto

- Raffles certificate - The document received by the end of the course is a Raffles attendance certificate.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Multimedia and Game Art
Raffles Milano
Campus e sedi: Raffles Milano
Raffles Milano - Istituto Moda e Design
Via Felice Casati 16 20124 Milano
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