Corso di Laurea Triennale in Product Design

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Raffles Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Product Design
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Corso di Laurea
In aula
4500 ore
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Design can be defined as the personification of methods and technologies. It provides new solutions by educating people to generate value for the world that surrounds us. Design has always been a powerful engine of social, aesthetic and thinking progress.

Language: ITA, ENG


Product Design Graduates will possess the skills to successfully join design world, apply for companies of different sectors or work as freelancers. Young designers will be able to start a career as: product designer, concept designer, service designer, social designer, design manager, etc. Raffles Milano training system will also provide the right tools to work both locally and internationally.


This course provides useful tools to manage each design project at its best. Every day, students deal with professionals with a wide expertise in project management, following the process from the idea to realisation.

During first year, students will approach subjects such as techincal drawing, modeling, materials, history of design and of contemporary art; at the same time, they will start designing home living and lightning products.

During sencond year students will attend workshop and work in our school labs, deepening their knowledge thanks to our education method, all interdisciplinary.

Third year will focus on analize current and future trends, as well as new design and business opportunities.


The course is aimed at high school graduates and students coming from Italian or foreign universities, with a specific interest in converting ideas into design products.


Il candidato deve essere in possesso di un diploma di scuola superiore di 2° livello

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3 anni. Credits 180.

Titolo ottenuto

Diploma: Bachelor undergraduate Title: The degree awarded is a Bachelor Undergraduate ("Diploma Accademico di I livello") (D.M. n.1216 del 31.08.2023), in accordance with the system of Advanced Artistic, Musical and Coreutic Education (AFAM) and recognized as a degree in the Italian system, as well as already recognized by the European Accreditation Board of Higher Education Schools /EABHES in the European system.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Product Design
Raffles Milano
Campus e sedi: Raffles Milano
Raffles Milano - Istituto Moda e Design
Via Felice Casati 16 20124 Milano
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