Master Aesthetic Medicine and Therapeutics
Informazioni sul corso
Cosmetic medicine has of late become an important reality in medicine and in society at large. The culture of medicine of wellness risks presenting consumers with inadequate or superficial information that often leads to "do it yourself" remedies that may be ineffective or even harmful.
In this context, advanced university formation provided by pre-eminent figures in the sector who work on an international or national level, would afford safeguards for consumers and offer the high level of quality that should be the ambition of a public university.
A unique characteristic of the Master, developed to meet the needs of working physicians, is its e-learning format for the theoretical part of the program. The face-to-face and practical parts of the formation will be conducted in a series of intensive internships coordinated in collaboration with the International Radio Medicine Center in Rome.
The Master is composed of 21 units, each of which is in turn formed of one or more modules, for a total of 33 modules. A module includes a series of lessons, most of which employ e-learning, and a library in which learners can find carefully selected reference material that would otherwise be difficult to obtain.
Competenze che acquisterai con il corso
All participants in the Master must have the computer skills and familiarity with internet use needed to follow the interactive e-learning lessons. They must have a multi-media personal computer with broadband service, and possess good knowledge of scientific English.