Master in Design for Sustainability and Regeneration

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Master in Design for Sustainability and Regeneration
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Specializing Master in Design for Sustainability and Regeneration

The environmental crisis is increasingly looming just as clear is the evidence of human responsibility for climate change, loss of biodiversity, irreversible damage to ecosystems, depletion of soil and raw materials, and exponential increase in waste.

In this context, designers are called upon to design so that an effective transition to more sustainable and regenerative models of production and consumption becomes a reality and does not remain only in the realm of good intentions.

The first step is to become aware of the effects that have already occurred and all the consequences that unsustainable impacts of human activity are having on all living beings and ecosystems. There is an urgent need to increase the critical sensitivity of production and design professionals to the environmental problems caused by the spread of unsustainable production, consumption and lifestyle patterns. It must be demonstrated that it is possible to adopt a different perspective, moving from approaches that focus exclusively on user needs to those that respect ecosystems and the needs of all living beings. Complexity and environmental needs must be included in design processes.

In order to create and seize opportunities in the professional field, it is necessary to have awareness, knowledge, strategies and tools for designing the sustainable transition. The new Master's course offers theoretical insights into current concepts and approaches for designing sustainable solutions, offering practical experience in applying strategies and tools of ecodesign and design for sustainability.

It has been estimated that 80 per cent of a product's environmental impact is determined at the design stage, So designer need proper tools and need to be aware of the environmental risks or benefits of their choices and appropriate strategies to encourage design decisions that meet the need to produce to more sustainable standards, which are increasingly necessary and socially demanded.

Designers who want to engage in designing the transition must be able to provide coherent solutions that have a positive impact, not only on the environment but also on the economy and society, while also considering different product sectors and degrees of intervention. The contemporary professional context is increasingly aware of the important role of design as a promoter and facilitator of the transition towards a new sustainable and regenerative dimension.

Available seats: 20


The course includes lessons, testimonials, stories of case studies, company visits and targeted design exercises.

The Master is divided into the following training modules:

- Environmental Issues
- Theoretical Fundamentals
- Social Issues
- Circular Economy
- Materials for transition
- Design for sustainability
- Life Cycle Design
- Life Cycle Assessment and Product Environmental Footprint
- Sustainability and Regenerative Design Approaches
- European Regulations (in Ecodesign)
- Communicating Sustainability
- Related Issues
- Internship or Professionalizing Project or Activity Akin to Internship



Applicants must hold a Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture, Industrial Design, Engineering, Product Design, Design Engineering, Product Service System. Equivalent Foreign qualifications from their respective University Systems will be considered valid.

The selection process is carried out by the Scientific Committee.

Titolo ottenuto

At the end of the programme, once the final examination has been passed, the 1st level Specializing Master of Politecnico di Milano Design for Sustainability and Regeneration: Ecodesign, Biodesign, and Circular Approaches diploma will be issued, with the related achievement of 60 CFU/ECTS.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Master in Design for Sustainability and Regeneration
Campus e sedi:
Via Don Giovanni Verità, 25 20158 Milano
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