Master in International Management. International Cooperation for Local Development
Prezzo 1.800 €
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Master in International Management. International Cooperation for Local Development
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In aula
12 mesi
Prezzo 1.800 €
International Cooperation for Local Development is a Major of the Master in International Management. The programme is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry as a "Master Universitario di I livello" and provides students with at least 65 ECTS.
The Major International Cooperation for Local Development is aimed at recent graduates — or those graduating soon — from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
Inizio: 25 Sep '23.
International Organisations working in the development and humanitarian field such as United Nations Agencies and OSCE as well as NGOs such as Save the Children, Oxfam and Emergency are some of the biggest transnational organizations in the world. To operate in these organizations, the same professional preparation is required as it is by a multinational company, in addition to the ability to manage the specific matters of international cooperation.
The aim of the Major in International Cooperation for Local Development is to expose the participants to the most relevant operational, methodological, technical and economic tools, to plan, monitor and control any project, with a particular focus on development cooperation and humanitarian interventions.
Upon completion of the Master, participants will be able to operate as project managers in any transnational organization, including NGOs and International agencies.
International Organisations working in the development and humanitarian field such as United Nations Agencies and OSCE as well as NGOs such as Save the Children, Oxfam and Emergency are some of the biggest transnational organizations in the world. To operate in these organizations, the same professional preparation is required as it is by a multinational company, in addition to the ability to manage the specific matters of international cooperation.
The aim of the Major in International Cooperation for Local Development is to expose the participants to the most relevant operational, methodological, technical and economic tools, to plan, monitor and control any project, with a particular focus on development cooperation and humanitarian interventions.
Upon completion of the Master, participants will be able to operate as project managers in any transnational organization, including NGOs and International agencies.
Titolo ottenuto
The Master in International Management Major in International Cooperation for Local Development is a first-level Degree Programme.
It is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education as a Master Universitario di Primo Livello and provides students with at least 65 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
The Master's Diploma and ECTS will be awarded to participants who have passed all mandatory exams and assessment tests.
Scientific Coordinator
Andjela Pavlovic, Scientific Coordinator
Luogo in cui si tiene il corso
a Roma
Master in International Management. International Cooperation for Local Development
LUISS Business School
Campus e sedi: LUISS Business School
LUISS Business School Roma
Villa Blanc Campus, Via Nomentana 216