Master di I Livello in M&A Strategy

1077 Persone stanno visitando questo corso
Prezzo 18.000 €
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LUISS Business School
Master di I Livello in M&A Strategy
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Master universitario
In aula
12 mesi
Prezzo 18.000 €


The major in M&A Strategy offers a comprehensive overview of new M&A dynamics, strategies and processes in a world that is constantly changing thanks to digital technologies.


The Major in M&A Strategy is aimed at recent graduates — or those graduating soon — interested in developing competencies in the industry.


Inizio: 25 Sep '23


Objectives of the Major in M&A Strategy

The Master in Digital and Business Transformation – Major in M&A Strategy aims to introduce participants to all stages of the process of acquiring a startup. From the analysis of innovation supply and demand, to the metrics used in the selection and evaluation phase of the startup, to the construction of business planning and business modeling, to the negotiation and closing phase, to the fundamental post-merger integration and governance phases.

The Programme is aimed at undergraduates and graduates who want to develop the skills needed to lead M&A processes in disruptive companies, combining knowledge of changing M&A activities with technology-based business strategies, managerial expertise and leadership skills.

The major focuses in particular on the skills, competences and technologies most in demand by Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), Venture Capital (VC) firms, management consultancies, law firms, investment banking firms and innovative start-ups.

Titolo ottenuto

The Major in M&A Strategy is a one-year Master of Science equivalent to “Master Universitario di I livello” in accordance with the Italian university system. It provides students with at least 60 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. At the end of the Programme, the Master's Diploma “Master Universitario di I livello” will be conferred to participants who have passed exams or others assessment tests envisaged in the study program.


Scientific Director Fabrizio Virtuani, Chief Innovation, Technology and Information Officer, Gruppo Tea

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Roma
Master di I Livello in M&A Strategy
LUISS Business School
Campus e sedi: LUISS Business School
LUISS Business School Roma
Villa Blanc Campus, Via Nomentana 216 00162 Roma
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