Specializing Master in Design for Food. Innovation Circularity Future

Prezzo 16.500 €
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Specializing Master in Design for Food. Innovation Circularity Future
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Master universitario
In aula
60 crediti
Prezzo 16.500 €


Specializing Master in Design for Food

The future of the Food System is now!

The food sector is experiencing major changes in manufacturing, processing and distributing. For example, there is increasing attention to food waste and innovative recovery strategies, with a focus on sustainability and circular economy. The Specializing Master in Design for Food addresses these themes by combining design, gastronomic and humanistic sciences, engineering and food technology. Through a learning-by-doing approach, it explores science and technology aspects of the contemporary Food System as well as the cultural, social and economic implications of the supply chain. 

The training experience targets participants willing to develop a critical spirit and acquire skills and techniques to design innovative products and services in the Food System, with special attention to the issues of circularity and sustainability in the entire supply chain. Future R&D Managers, Product & Service Designers, Brand Managers and entrepreneurs in the food industry: the Specializing Master programme shapes these and other figures through trainings that enhance individual backgrounds and develop diversified expertise. In addition, students connect with a global professional network and expand their network thanks to a multicultural class, as well as exchange and continuous comparison with industry experts. 

The Specializing Master in Design for Food is a programme in English that opens up new business opportunities in an ever-changing market. Systemic vision, ability to manage complexity, design from micro to macro scale, creativity and strategy: these are the skills that ones will acquire through the experimental approach of the educational activities listed below.

Theoretical lessons to analyse and understand the principles of the Food System

Workshops focusing on the design of new products and services

Study trips to deepen theoretical aspects through direct experience and meetings with professionals and people working in the industry

Internships in attractive businesses of the Food System or development of professionalising projects based on specific interests

Available seats: 20


The Specializing Master lasts 15 months (for a total of 1000 teaching hours). The didactic plan is divided into areas and training modules that guarantee a unique and transversal training by integrating contributions from the academic and professional world.


Goal: analysing and understanding the main aspects, processes and problems related to food production and processing. 

- Food and ecology 
- Foraging and ethnobotany 
- Food and taste sciences 
- Food safety
- Sensory analysis and food technology for quality food 
- Principles and processes of food fermentation


Goal: implementing knowledge related to the complexity of the contemporary food system in order to develop skills related to communication and entrepreneurial strategies.

- Semiotics of food
- Food aesthetics and communication
- Circularity strategy
- Advanced food and trade law
- Novel food entrepreneurship


Goal: investigating how the discipline of design – in its various declinations and through the application of specific tools – enables a strategic approach to the contemporary food system.

- Food packaging design
- Food service design
- Food product design
- Food branding and narrative
- Systemic design for circular economy
- Design for social innovation and sustainability
- Retail design and event creative process
- Food innovation future practices (contemporary challenges)
- Food design experience


Goal: developing – through ‘hands-on' project experiences – new product/service solutions on the basis of real needs shared by companies and external entities collaborating in the development of classroom activities.

- WS1 Product-service innovation
- WS2 Product-service innovation
- WS3 Product-service innovation


Goal: acquiring the basics of the major processes and management systems in the contemporary food system. 

- Systems, technologies and logistics for food industry
- Food business innovation and sustainability challenges


- Goal: deepening the topics covered during classroom sessions through direct experiences in real situations: tastings, visits to companies and production facilities, meetings with experts in the Italian food sector.

- Study trip in Piemonte (10 days)
- Study trip in Emilia Romagna (3/4 days)


Goal: acquiring relevant soft skills in terms of personal and professional growth. This module is accompanied and integrated with the ‘Talent Placement' programme, which guides  students in the phase of identifying and choosing an apprenticeship and/or developing a professional development project.

- Career Building
- Curricular traineeship or professional development project (500 hours), to be carried out at one of the Specializing Master's partner institutions or proposed by the participants, in agreement with didactic coordination.



The Specializing Master welcomes candidates with a Degree or Specialist/Master's Degree in Design, Engineering, Architecture, Economics and/or Management, Social Sciences/Humanistic Sciences, Gastronomic Sciences, Agriculture, Food Technology, or to people with other types of degrees who have also gained significant professional and work experience and who wish to strengthen their professional path in the field of food innovation, acquiring and developing specific and qualified competences.

Selection will be made on the basis of the documentation sent, followed by a possible interview in English language (remotely). The selections will be made in chronological order with respect to the date of receipt of the application, until all available places are filled.


Training objectives
The Specializing Master DESIGN FOR FOOD aims to train professionals, entrepreneurs, independent innovators, civil servants with competences in the design and management of systems, processes and products-services in the food sector. Professional Profiles characterized by a profile combining the design and experimental approach of design with the thematic knowledge of the logics of the food sector in all its extension "from field to table", including the traditional and more advanced production and distribution systems and with a specific attention to sustainability.
The sector already expresses forms, experimentations, experiences, innovation and project-oriented cases, requires a transversal expertise able to integrate in a strategic way the different design factors. For this reason, the Specializing Master completes the design (in the disciplinary extension of systems, strategies, services, products-services, communication) and food engineering skills, brought by Politecnico di Milano, with the thematic and specific ones in the food area related to humanities, food technology and gastronomic sciences, brought by the University of Gastronomic Sciences.

Titolo ottenuto

The Specializing Master awards 60 CFU, equivalent to 60 ECTS. The Specializing Master's Degree in Design for Food from Politecnico di Milano is awarded at the end of the course.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano


Duration: 27 Oct. 2025 - 31 Jan. 2027
Specializing Master in Design for Food. Innovation Circularity Future
Campus e sedi: POLI.design
Via Don Giovanni Verità, 25 20158 Milano
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