Questo corso è erogato in lingua italiana. 19a edizione - Il Master in Comunicazione e Marketing per la Moda forma professionisti che, in azienda o in agenzia, sono in grado di gestire le attività di comunicazione e marketing, affrontando le sfide relative ai continui cambiamenti del mercato grazie
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Full-time Channel your inner visionary and cultivate your passion for fashion in the city of Milan, home to some of the most prestigious fashion houses and brands. Understand and investigate the innovation drivers of today's society and transform them into a trend forecasting strategy. The Master
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Overview Il Master in Web Marketing, Social Media & Graphic Design mira a fornire una panoramica concreta sul mondo del Digital Marketing, proponendo basi teoriche e applicazioni pratiche nello svolgimento delle attività quotidiane (lavorative e non), con un focus su sei aree chiave: Content
3.900 €
Full-time The Master's Program in Fashion Curation of IED Firenze and IED Milano offers students a conceptual journey in which Art and Fashion meet, eliminating traditional boundaries and fostering a creative, stimulating, and interdisciplinary dialogue. The Master's Program in Fashion Curation
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The Master's Program in Fashion Curation of IED Firenze and IED Milano offers students a conceptual journey in which Art and Fashion meet, eliminating traditional boundaries and fostering a creative, stimulating, and interdisciplinary dialogue. The Master's Program in Fashion Curation prepares
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Develop into a professional who can manage the whole process of making a Fashion Film. You will learn how to communicate effectively with all the players involved in the process. The Master Course in Fashion Film Direction at IED Roma will give you an insight into how to build a story and work with
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A fashion photographer is a storyteller, a creator of worlds, and an interpreter of culture. Fashion photography is a unique discipline that blends art, commerce, and individual expression. It provides a space for experimentation, where the technical meets the playful, the colorful meets the
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Il master mira a creare giovani professionisti qualificati e specializzati, pronti ad operare in un mercato globale, un mercato dinamico e in continua crescita. Che ha acquisito le competenze tecinche legate all'indispensabile utilizzo del Web e dei programmi di grafica e fotoritocco, alla politica
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Ideare strategie creative per raccontare i brand di moda, individuando le tendenze culturali e di mercato. Il Master forma esperti nella comunicazione e nel business della moda. Imparerai a progettare esperienze customer-centric innovative e multicanale, mirando a progettare il futuro della
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