Processi Costruttivi Sostenibili è un master universitario annuale di secondo livello. Intorno al know-how sviluppato da professionisti di diverse discipline afferenti alla Progettazione Parametrica Ambientale, il master è promosso dall'Università Iuav di Venezia e Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti in Università Iuav di Venezia
5.000 €
The environmental crisis is increasingly looming just as clear is the evidence of human responsibility for climate change, loss of biodiversity, irreversible damage to ecosystems, depletion of soil and raw materials, and exponential increase in waste. In this context, designers are called upon to
The training course dedicated to the design of innovative and effective services and experiences in accordance with the transformations of business models. The Specializing Master delivers an English teaching programme on service design employing a practical and learning-by-doing approach, based on
Master universitario
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