Becoming Product Designer in Milan today is a recognized value on professionalism. BE A MASTER OF PRODUCT DESIGN! The Politecnico, together with its advanced production system and a top-class historic culture, creates for its master students access to this value. Politecnico's technical and design
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Master universitario
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The Specializing Master involves the deepening of issues related to the design of a new kind of marketing and management in the luxury sector, with the involvement of transversal disciplines and according to themes and strategies belonging to the two fields of Design and Economic Management. The
tra 5.000 € e 10.000 €
Master universitario
In aula e on line
Un percorso formativo dedicato ai futuri scenari della moda, inclini a contaminazioni tra sport e moda, agonismo e tempo libero, ma anche a tecnologie indossabili per accessori interattivi. Piano Didattico Il designer Fashion Tech ha un ruolo determinante tanto per l'ambito della Moda quanto per
11.000 €
Master universitario
In aula
The Specializing Master combines for learning purposes the methodologies of a classic MBA with those typical of a design school oriented towards innovation. Strategic Design is a design activity that concerns the Product Service System, i.e. the integrated body of products, services and
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Master universitario
In aula
Presentazione Progettare cultura. Arte, design, imprese culturali è un Master universitario congiunto di I livello fra l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore e il Politecnico di Milano dedicato a laureati italiani e stranieri con diploma di laurea triennale e/o magistrale interessati ad acquisire
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Master universitario
In aula
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